To all the animal lovers’ convenience, Camping Rovies offers you the ability to enjoy your vacation with your four-legged friend. Needless to mention though that with pleasure comes responsibilities not only to your pet but to the other campers as well.
Around you there are people who are afraid of or even allergic to dogs and other animals. There are children while playing may act inappropriate and a dog might bite them. It is essential that we point out the fact that there are different dog personalities,big,small,nervous,calm,loud,quiet,fierce just exactly as it comes to people.
For all the above reasons there are some simple, yet vital regulations.
1) Significant. Pets are allowed only during the following dates. From 1st June to 14th July and from 26th August to 30th September. During high season pets are not allowed.
2) Do not forget to have your pet’s health book with you. You will be asked to present it at the reception desk in order to be checked if your pet is suitably vaccinated. In case it is not, make sure you have proceeded with all the necessary vaccinations before you visit us. Pets that are not vaccinated or with no health book, will not be accepted in our premises.
3) Let us know in advance for any peculiarities. For instance, if your dog gets anxious or barks to strangers, we will come with a solution so that your pet does not disturb anyone and you still enjoy your staying here.
4) Make sure you constantly keep your four-legged friend in leash in your tent space in order to avoid disturbing the other campers,to be in peace with the other pets, not to “litter“ the other campers’ tents etc.
5) You are responsible for the right hygiene of your pet. You should take it for a walk 2-3 times a day out of our camping premises.
6) Taking your pet for a walk in the camping premises is strictly forbidden. Access to the public spaces of the camping (Restaurant,Grocery Store,Coffee Shop,Toilets,Playground,Public Kitchen) is strictly forbidden.
7) In case you take your dog at the beach be kindly respectful to the other bathers and ask them in advance if they consent to your dog’s presence. There is legislation regarding. Do not forget that some people are afraid or even allergic.
8) Do not neglect your pet’s hygiene and always clean up after your dog. Special bags are always easy to be found. That way you keep our premises clean and you avoid attracting insects,flies etc.
9) Do not leave your pet’s food exposed because it will attract insects. After your pet is fed,keep the food somewhere airtight.
10) Do not let your dog destroy plants,flowers and flower beds in our camping’s premises.
If there is a regulation that you do not agree with,you are always free to depart. Camping regulations cannot be adjusted as they serve the majority of the campers and not just a small group of them.
Have a nice staying.
Yours sincerely,
Owner of Camping Rovies